Russell Burrows is a Korean War Veteran, Silver Star and Purple Heart recipient. He served during the war in Korea from 1952 to 1953, while as a Lieutenant Colonel, he commanded the First Battalion of the 187th Airborne. General Burrows resigned his commission from the military service in 1963.
Early Life of Russell Burrows:
- 1935 Born in Richwood, West Virginia.
- 1952 Graduated from High School and enlisted in U.S. Army.
- 1953 Recieved a Battlefield Commission.
- During the Korean war, Russell was awarded with the Bronze Star, 2 Silver Stars, 1 Legion of Merit, and 2 Purple Hearts.
- 1953 Went inactive to attend college 2 years at West Virginia University majoring in archaeology.
- 1955 Reactivated, sent to Advanced Ranger training in guerilla warfare. Posted in Leopold in South Africa to help put down Mau-Mau uprising.
- 1960 Applied for and accepted for Special Forces Training,
- 1961 Posted in Saigon.
- 1963 Returned to the United States. Resigned Commission 0-6 – Colonel.
- 1963 Started a transportation business in New Jersey.
- 1976 Changed careers and went into Corrections.
In 1982, Russell Burrows found a cave. And from the cave, he brought out many curious artifacts. Eventually, he worked with the landowner who was very supportive of his findings. Russell believed that the history of the world would be changed. But instead, he was dubbed a fraud maker. Read the full story in the book he helped write – The Mystery Cave of Many Faces. Still to this day at age 87, he holds true to his story written about in the book.
With permission, I have made available the images of many of the stones from the John White collection. John purchased the stones during the decade where Russell was bringing them out of the cave. The family of John White has graciously authorized this website to make these images available.

In this site, with permission, this book is becoming available for free. Read the book here: The Mystery Cave of Many Faces