#3 How I Became Involved – 1940-88

Written by Fred Rydholm I am a retired teacher, who for many years has been digging out little-known facts of local history about my native haunts, in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. In tracing its history back into prehistoric times I discovered a whole era of world-wide copper trading which is either unknown to or […]

#2 By Way of Introduction – 1987-91

Written by Fred Rydholm Each year archaeological finds are made all over the world, and occasionally sensational discoveries occur, ones that excite archaeologists and the public both. In such a case, it takes a few years for the site’s significance to be assessed and for full details to reach the public press and the museum […]

#1 The Discovery – 1982

Written by Fred Rydholm Russell Burrows stood up from his seat on a rock ledge. The date was April 2nd of 1982 and the place was a remote valley in southern Illinois. Burrows was a “caver,” a solitary cave-explorer, and he had decided that there was nothing to find in this valley. Within a few […]

The Mystery Cave – Preface

CONVENTIONAL THEORY of inconsequential transoceanic contact with America before either Columbus, Leif Ericson, Brendan, circumpolar Red Paint People, Shan hai jing explorers, Hwui Shan, Madoc of Wales, or Mandinga Emperor Abu Bakr II (whichever discussant’s 5th-grade teacher happened to know enough to recognize) retreats in ever more frantic epicycles which may work to the good […]

The Mystery Cave – A Guide for the Reader

This book is concerned with an archaeological discovery that, when proven authentic, will overturn all our conceptions of American history before Columbus. Burrows’ Cave (located in southern Illinois and discovered in 1982 by Col. Russell Burrows) is rich in artifacts that seem derived from the ancient cultures of Asia and the Mediterranean. There are also […]

The Mystery Cave – Chronology

76 Sonoftobac Museum opens in Vincennes, w/ Ward as curator. 82 Apr RB falls into oubliette. 83 Sep RB meets JW for first time. 84 Jan RB first visits JW in Vincennes; meets Norman Cullen. Mar RB gives first Cave talk, to the Old Northwest Corp.JW gives first talk to ISAC (a disaster), (non-Cave). 86 […]

The Mystery Cave of Many Faces

A History of the Burrows Cave Written by Russel Burrows and Fred Rydholm Published by Superior Heartland, Inc. Marquette, Michigan, 1991. Republished here with Permission. Chapters / Sections

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