Egyptian Elephant Pulling Load

Egyptian Elephant – כמפ [Imagine growth?] – דמג First line: Kaph Mem is Kemet or Egypt. Pey is the first letter of Elephant Second line is tricker as the second of three letters is not found on my transliteration chart, and therefore some guessing is required. We have ד?ג. The closest match which also fits […]

This is How You Are

This artifact is very strange for the modern western observer. It has a human face on the body of what appear to be a bird outfit. It is not clear to me what type of bird this is. In Egyptian artifacts, it is very common for the deceased to be depicted as a hawk with […]

Demonstrating How to Make the Ancient Engravings

Article Written by John Lefgren with Blaise Colasante as the artisan. Date Line: Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, September 20, 2023 In honor of the 200th year since the appearance of Moroni to Joseph Smith, we thought it would be appropriate for us to try to replicate the ancient inscriptions cut in stones from the Mississippi River Valley. […]

You Rejected God’s Words

Line 1 Read Right to Left. The first ל depicted here as the two vertical strokes. It is commonly used as a preposition for “To”. There are many dictionary entries for תל. The most appropriate is תלה which means to “leave in doubt”. פל(י)ת – Dictionary entry states “Wonderful”. The Yod is not present in […]


Line 1 and Line 2 Line 1 <— You got it- סגעת Everything -הכל Both translated values come from Google Translate. Line 2 —> in the mouth – בעיס and – ו Know – דע Alternative meaning to Know is דעך. Ben Yehuda’s Dictionary states: “to Flicker; be extinguished; on the verge of dying”. Justification […]

Recruiting for Mariners

Line 1 Line begins with ל which means “To”. פמ – Short for Open to the Public. The letters פמ are encased in the words for Open or Publicly. כל – all ציא or צי – ציא means Came Out. צי means Fleet. The term may be used as a play as the word for […]

The Boy Archer

Red – ילד Boy Yellow – Atm the Mariner Blue – מלאב House of Mela Discussion: Looks like a bad image of a female archer. But the red circle clearly is Boy in Hebrew. And his name is Atam. The blue might mean that he is from the House of Mela. He may be wearing […]

And Abundant Milk

This artifact is very simple depicting a young girl being poured a drink. The side post has the four sacred words followed by a simple message. The transliteration of the vertical post is given below: ו is Hebrew for And. מלא is Hebrew for Full ח is the first letter for the Hebrew word “Milk”. […]

The Elephants are Coming

Translation of Elephant Artifacts beginning with photo 762 and moving to photo 763. Artifact John White Image 762 In the image below, the letter פ is a perfect match to the Phoenician way of writing the letter. The Lamed is inverted. A Phoenician ל can look like our modern latin based L, but here in […]

Mahan’s Essay: Abstract

1) The religious/mythological details of the Burrows’ Cave materials, esp. the burials, are clear give-aways to Old World connections. 2) The graves are of those of sun-kings, la Sumer, Egypt, etc. 3) This American culture persisted as an actual empire and coalition into historic times (DeSoto’s invasion, even 18th c.) w/ the Mississippian (temple mound) […]

Covey’s Preface

Amateur Societies

American Institute for Archaeological Research: 24 Cross Rd., Mt. Vernon NH 03057 Ancient Earthworks Society: P.O. Box 1125, Madison WI 53701 Early Sites Research Society: Long Hill, Rowley MA 01969 Epigraphic Society: 6625 Bamburgh Dr., San Diego CA 92117 Midwestern Epigraphic Society: 6770 N. Piccadilly Pl., Columbus OH 43229 New England Antiquities Research Association: 3 […]

Editors Additional Suggested Reading

A good grounding in conventional historical theory is necessary to properly appreciate and criticize these excellent works, most of which are not widely accepted. UPPER PALEOLITHICHapgood, Charles, Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings [world maps from 8000 BC]Path of the Pole, 1970Marshack, Alexander, The Roots of Civilization [Cro-Magnon lunar notation] THE ARCHAIC (Neolithic and on); […]

Author’s Suggested Reading

A good grounding in conventional historical theory is necessary to properly appreciate and criticize these excellent works, most of which are not widely accepted.Covey, Cyclone., Homeric Troy and the Sea Peoples, 200p. Copple House Books Inc. Lakemont, Georgia. 30552-1987Dexter, Warren W., Ogam Consaine & Tifinag Alphabets: Ancient Uses, Academy Books, 4 Avenue B, Rutland VT […]

End Notes


Photo Appendix

Pre-Columbian Voyages and Settlements, 5500 BC to AD 225

Written by Dr. Barry Fell 5500-5000 BCEarliest of the inferred trans-Atlantic crossings, achieved by the Maritime Archaic Red-Paint Cultures of western Scandinavia and northwestern Europe. The archaeological remains of these people, carbon-dated in Norway to 5500 BC, are very similar to those of the Maritime Archaic Red-Paint people of Labrador and New England, carbon-dated back […]

From Follow the Whale

In the book, Follow the Whale, Ivan Sanderson is making the point, among others, that the Phoenecians taught Mediterranean peoples how to hunt whales and that it was the hunting of whales as far back as 10,000 BC that provided much of the impetus for sea exploration and discovery. (My guess is that this related, […]

Iberic Traders Token from New York

Written by Barry Fell: The inscribed stone tablet reported by Don Eckler is written in the south Iberic alphabet, matching the tables published by Diringer. (The Alphabet, 1968, Vol.2, p. 174), save only that one triangular sign is unfamiliar. The language is, as expected, the Arabic-related Iberic, but in order to produce a recognizable word […]

Observations, by Don Eckler

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